Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Journalism in the age of internet

It was so fantastic day , because we used to hire and knowing each other coming from out trainer. Even though our today topic was based in ‘ Journalism in the age of Internet ‘ we used to persuade in learning on how to open the blog.

What is interesting is about the topic, what i think is The daily newspaper industry is especially in danger by the internet. Though many news paper are continue to be registered.

Now days we see many young generation used to find fact on the Internet rather than in the news paper. It is like an alarm which express the deadly of print media but not surely. many of them visit Google News several times a day to get the latest. Information on the world.

According to Rupert Murdoch to the American Society shows his interest of media to connect them self into internet system if they want to do good. I can not say by the way but my point is in this world of global information our media suppose to jump themselves to this category if they want to make it.

But it is something which can come up slowly in those un-developed country because always challenge are there.

I say this will come slowly in un developed country, because a great newspapers hire in Tanzania and also in Africa ,the computer technology in the newsroom was hopelessly out of date as the paper didn’t have the money to invest in new technology.

So i sought the better ways to live in the internet age, first in the form of requiring payment for access to its web site, more recently by providing such access for free.

Thank you

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